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How does privacy film work? - Simply explained

With privacy film, you can protect your screen from unwanted glances. If you stick an eye protection film that works reliably on your screen, it reduces, the possible viewing angle drastically.

How exactly does an eye protection film work?

Smaller screens already have a lower viewing angle than higher quality models. Also, due to weak lighting, an eye protection film may not even be necessary. Nevertheless, a functioning eye protection film can be useful.An eye protection film consists of plastic slats that have a distance of 60 micrometers. These are stretched on the upper and lower side of two transparent films. The slats generate a lateral shading of about 25°. Many manufacturers promise a shading of up to 30°. For this reason, you should consider a few things when buying an eye protection film.
  • Not only consider the size, but also the format of the eye protection film. For screens, 16:10 and 16:9 is currently the most common.
  • Many films only offer protection from the side and not from above and below. As a rule, however, a side protection should be sufficient.
  • Also note that not every film is suitable for a touchscreen, if the film is intended for a tablet or smartphone.
  • Be sure to look at the reviews of the item, as only other users know whether the film really keeps what you promise. In doing so, watch out for fake reviews. These are usually recognized by keywords that are always incorporated such as "offers optimal protection" or "easy to install".
  • Equally important is the screen brightness. This can be reduced by the film.

By Reynold Minium

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