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What is pairing mode? What you need to know about it

If two devices are Bluetooth-enabled, you can pair them together. For this, it is necessary to put them in the so-called pairing mode. After that, both devices can be paired. Pairing mode is the status of a device when it is ready for Bluetooth pairing.

What is the pairing mode

If you want to connect two devices with each other, the best way is to use Bluetooth. For this, both devices must support the corresponding standard. Before you can connect the devices, they must be in the so-called pairing mode.
  1. Once a connection is established between two devices and they are paired for the first time, this is called pairing.
  2. The pairing mode also refers to the state of a device when it is ready to pair.
  3. How you activate the mode depends on the device you are using. However, it usually means that you activate the Bluetooth function and the device is visible to other Bluetooth devices. Note that they should not be too far away from each other, as Bluetooth only has a certain range.
  4. If both devices are in pairing mode, you will see the other device in the list of Bluetooth devices nearby. Anschließend können Sie dieses auswählen und beide miteinander koppeln.
  5. Sobald die Punkt-zu-Punkt-Verbindung besteht, können Sie zwischen den Geräten Daten austauschen. Dies können beispielsweise ein Lautsprecher und Ihr Smartphone sein. Anschließend lässt sich Musik vom Handy über den Lautsprecher ausgeben.

By Roanna Brits

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