Far Cry 5: Fishing - become a successful angler
You will spend a large part of the game time in Far Cry 5 fishing. To be successful at fishing, the game provides you with various fishing rods and lures. How to get them and how fishing works you can read here.
These different types of fishing are available in Far Cry 5
In Far Cry 5, fishing is an important part of the game and is rewarded with a trophy. However, to get the "Master Angler of Hope County" trophy, you must own all four fishing rods. While you can get the simple fishing rod for free at any fishing spot, you will have to buy the natural fishing rod. To get the "Wonderboy" fishing rod, you need to complete the three quests "Tools of the Trade", "Get Out into Nature" and "The Admiral". If you also manage to break all the fishing records, you will receive the "Old Betsy" fishing rod as a reward.This is how fishing works in Far Cry 5
Once you get the first fishing rod in Far Cry 5, you can start fishing. However, to be more successful at this, be sure to unlock the "King of Fishermen" perk for four points, as this will make the fish easier to catch and give you a wider selection of bait.- To fish at a fishing spot in Far Cry 5, please select a fishing rod and bait.
- Suchen Sie anschließend im Wasser nach Stellen, an denen Basen aufsteigen, zielen Sie auf diese Stelle und werfen Sie Ihre Angelleine aus, indem Sie die Tasten „Linke Maustaste“, „RT“ und „R2“ drücken.
- Hat ein Fisch angebissen, lässt sich die Leine mithilfe der rechten Maustaste und den Tasten „LT“ und „L2“ wieder einholen.