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HTML: Paragraph - how to easily create paragraphs

The problem with HTML is often that it doesn't know basic formatting. An HTML document must be shown, with the help of elements, the way in which it should handle text. This is simply because within a document, text is first understood only syntactically.

How to make a paragraph in HTML

To display a paragraph, you must not use [Enter]. Your browser would simply ignore the supposed separation and give the text right after it.
  1. If you want certain text to be in a paragraph, it must be surrounded by a tag that marks the paragraph, so to speak.
  2. Use <p> text </p> to tell the browser that a paragraph should be created after your text.
  3. The "p" stands for the English word "paragraph" and means "paragraph" in German, making it easy to remember the tag.

How can text be logically separated?

Possibly one paragraph is a bit too much for your intentions. To that end, there are other elements and attributes you can use to control spacing.
  1. By using the tag <br>, which stands for "break", you can force a line break. Sie können zwar die Formatierung des Textes auch im CSS steuern, jedoch hilft der Tag bei der Erstellung des Grundgerüsts.
  2. Auch mehrere Leerzeichen können erzielt werden, wenn Sie diese durch einen bestimmten Code austauschen. Um mehrere Leerzeichen einzufügen, geben Sie für jedes Leerzeichen einmal den Tag &nbsp; ein.

By Koy

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