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El Capitan: Using splitscreen on the Mac

With the El Capitan operating system, it is possible to use a splitscreen on the Mac. This allows you to see two applications side by side, which can be exceedingly handy when researching or syncing data.

One screen, two images: Use split screen on Mac under El Capitan

Under El Capitan and also with more recent Mac OS versions, there is an option to use a split screen if you want to view multiple applications on one monitor at the same time. Here's how:
  1. In a window, click on "Full Screen Mode" in the top left corner and hold down until the window is displayed in a thumbnail view.
  2. Now simply drag it to where you want it to be displayed. First, just move it roughly to the left or right.
  3. Then click another window you want to see in the split screen, and it will automatically move to the free spot.
  4. If you do not want to split the screen in the middle, but you need one of the windows larger, then simply move the central dividing line of the two open apps as you wish.
If you are already in full screen mode with a window, then the split screen also works by pressing the F3 key and then move the app as described above. To be able to end the splitscreen under El Capitan again, simply click on "Full Screen" in the upper left corner again.

By Roshan Vento

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