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Smart Home: Smoke Detectors - These Benefits There Are

For some time now, it has been mandatory to install a smoke detector in every home. There are numerous models to choose from. Nowadays, more and more smart home devices that you can control via an app additionally follow. Smoke detectors are also now available as smart home versions that offer you additional benefits.

These are the benefits of a smart home smoke detector

If you need a smoke detector for your home, buying a smart smoke detector is a good idea. This smart home device offers many other benefits in addition to the smoke detector function. Depending on which model you choose, the smoke detector can communicate with other devices or with you. For example, you can set that the blinds should be raised or the window opens when the smoke is too strong.
  1. A smart home smoke detector is usually controlled via a central device, usually your smartphone.
  2. With the appropriate app, connections between different smart home devices can be established and set anschießend.
  3. Über die App, aber auch SMS oder E-Mail erhalten Sie Benachrichtigungen, falls es zu einem Notfall kommt oder der Rauchmelder aus einem anderen Grund aktiviert wurde.
  4. Mit einem Smart Home Rauchmelder erhalten Sie zudem eine raumgenaue Zuordnung der Rauchentwicklung.
  5. Achten Sie bei der Wahl des Rauchmelders darauf, dass die Datenübertragung verschlüsselt erfolgt, um zu verhindern, dass unberechtigte Personen Zugriff darauf bekommen.

By Susanne Schatz

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