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Turn off smoke alarms: How to disable the alarm

Having a smoke detector in your house or apartment is important and now even mandatory. However, when the detector sounds an alarm, it becomes unpleasant. The deafening sound serves as a warning, of course, but can quickly become harmful if you don't know how to turn off the alarm.

Switch off smoke alarms - here's how to do it

Of course, you should only switch off the smoke alarm when you are definitely not in danger. In the event of a fire, the first thing to do is to get to safety.
  1. How a smoke detector is turned off varies from model to model.
  2. Should you have smoke detectors that you have coupled with an app, they are of course deactivated with the help of the smartphone.
  3. Common smoke detectors, however, must be turned off by hand.
  4. To do this, there is usually a button on the device, which can be pressed quite easily.
  5. Particularly with older models, it may also happen that you have to unscrew the cover and take the battery out of the device.

Switch off smoke detectors: Weshalb wurde der Alarm ausgelöst?

  1. Wenn ein Fehlalarm ausgelöst wurde, müssen Sie überprüfen, wodurch der Fehler entstanden ist.
  2. Üblicherweise wird ein Rauchmelder nur dann ausgelöst, wenn zweifellos eine Rauch- oder Feuerquelle vorhanden ist.
  3. Übermäßiger Ausstoß von Duftspray, Deo oder Dampf kann jedoch ebenfalls eine Störung hervorrufen.
  4. Bei wiederkehrenden Fehlalarmen sollten Sie eine Neuanschaffung in Erwägung ziehen.

By Dulcine

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