HOME > Smartphone > One Plus 7 Pro: Data Backup - These Options Are Available

One Plus 7 Pro: Data backup - these options are available

Whatever smartphone you own: Backing up your data is essential if you want to make sure you don't lose it due to a mistake. With the One Plus 7 Pro, you have several options to save your data. Either use a PC or just the smartphone without external devices.

How to backup the One Plus 7 Pro

Google natively offers its own backup solution where all data is stored in Google Drive, however, there are many users who do not want all their data to be stored in Google. Moreover, Google Backup does not back up everything, but only the settings of the individual apps. For a proper backup with photos, videos and all other media, you need to use another method.
  1. Install the app "One Plus Switch" and launch it.
  2. Now tap on "Backup and Restore" and then further on "New Backup".
  3. Now you can select which data you want to backup. Am besten markieren Sie alles und tippen dann auf „OK“ > „Create Backup“.
  4. Das erstellte Backup wird nun im internen Speicher des Smartphones hinterlegt.
  5. Sie können das Smartphone auch mit dem PC verbinden und dann „Media Sync“ auf dem Bildschirm auswählen.
  6. Nun haben Sie über den PC Zugriff auf den internen Speicher und haben die Möglichkeit, wichtige Daten auf den PC zu kopieren und dort zu sichern.

By Guenzi

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