HOME > Smartphone > One Plus 7 Pro: Transferring Data - This Is How Fast It Is

One Plus 7 Pro: Transferring data - this is how fast it is

Every few years it's time to buy a new phone, as the old device often no longer supports the latest features and apps. Once you have the new smartphone in hand, the question arises as to how best to transfer the data from one device to the other.

How to transfer your data to the One Plus 7 Pro

As with any other Android smartphone, you have different ways to transfer data from the PC to the smartphone or vice versa on the One Plus 7 Pro.
  1. Connect the phone to a PC via USB cable, then tap "Media Sync" on the screen.
  2. Now you can transfer photos, videos and other media from the phone to the computer and vice versa.
  3. If you do not want to go this old-fashioned way, you can simply transfer the data from one phone to the other.
  4. For this purpose, Google Drive is suitable. Hier wird ein Backup des alten Telefons abgespeichert und sobald Sie sich auf einem neuen Smartphone einloggen, werden alle Daten auf das neue Handy übertragen.
  5. Möchten Sie nicht all Ihre Daten bei Google hinterlegen, können Sie auch die Software One Plus Switch benutzen.
  6. Mit dieser App übertragen Sie alle Daten von Ihrem Handy direkt auf das One Plus 7.

By Moran

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