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Using WiFi Direct on the iPhone - this is how it works

WiFi Direct is a software solution from Apple, with which the various Apple devices independently find each other, authenticate and also transfer data. Due to the Multipeer Connectivity Framework used by Apple, this standard only works between Apple devices and hardware that supports it.

How to use WiFi Direct on the iPhone

With the help of WiFi Direct, Apple devices can independently connect to each other and authenticate each other. A suitable example of this standard is the AirDrop function. With this, you can exchange files such as photos or videos between two devices via a Bluetooth connection.
  1. For this, open the Settings app on both devices and tap on "General" and then on AirDrop.
  2. Here, activate the option "For everyone" to automatically activate Bluetooth and be able to connect to the other device.
  3. With the device with which you want to send data, now open your files. Tap "Select" and select all the files you want to send.
  4. Followed by tap "Share" and tap "Next". Select here the device to which you want to send the files.
  5. The files are now sent to the second device, an additional confirmation is no longer necessary.
  6. About AirDrop you can share files between all Apple devices. Hierzu gehören neben iPhones auch Macs, Tablets und MacBooks.

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