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Error: 0x80070002 - this is what the code means

If you are using the Windows operating system on your PC, it is quite possible that the error message 0x80070002 will appear. The code does not indicate a serious problem, you just need to check some settings such as the time.

What to do if you get error 0x80070002

While there are error messages in Windows that you can ignore, error 0x80070002 is not one of them. However, fixing the problem is easy to perform. Proceed as follows:
  1. Check the date and time: Many updates and installations cannot be made if the server detects a difference between the set and actual time. Therefore, you should check this point.
  2. Remove update files: if the download of files does not go smoothly, then this can lead to the fact that you have only fragments of the necessary data. Therefore, you should delete all update files and download again afterwards.
  3. Set primary partition active: The error code appears even if the desired partition is set inactive. Therefore, you should set the partition active, so that the Windows update can be made.
  4. Check storage space: An update of Windows also requires sufficient memory space and capacity in the RAM. Wenn dies nicht vorhanden ist, dann kann es passieren, dass die Dateien nicht vollständig installiert werden können.

Die Windows Problembehandlung nutzen

Neue Windows-Versionen erleichtern Ihnen die Fehlersuche deutlich. Sie können die integrierte Fehlerbehandlung verwenden, damit das Programm selbstständig auf Ursachenforschung geht.

By Kingston Murrin

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