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Windows: Error 0x803fb005 - this is what the code means

Windows always sends you the error messages with a specific error code. In order for you to know where the error is and to start looking for a solution, you need to decode the code in advance.

This is what the code means

The error code 0x803fb005 occurs frequently when you make installations of apps from the App Store. To fix the problem, you need to proceed like this:
  1. Open Windows settings and click on the "Update & Security" section. Following this, first select "Windows Update" and then "Check for updates". If the problem results from an outdated Windows version, you can now update directly.
  2. If this does not solve your problem, you should try to update the App Store directly. To do this, click on the "Get updates" option.
  3. It may be that this does not help solve the problem. In this case, go to the Settings app and click on the "advanced options". Now you need to specify that you want to repair vulnerabilities.

If everything doesn't work

Should these three options fail to resolve the error message, you can uninstall the program completely. After a restart, perform a fresh installation. Dadurch sollte sich das Problem endgültig aufgelöst haben.

By Trygve

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