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Linux: rename file - this option is available

Linux distributions have changed quite a bit in recent years. Especially the improved user interface makes it easy for beginners to use the operating systems. If you want to rename a file to give it a suitable name, this is also possible with Linux operating systems in just a few steps.

How to rename a file on Linux

On all Linux operating systems, you have the option to rename your files in a few steps. For this, you have two different options. You can either use the file manager or give the file a different name via a command with the console.
  1. On your computer, right-click on the file you want to rename.
  2. Now a menu will open. Here, click on the "Rename" item. Note that the option may be called differently depending on the Linux distribution.
  3. The next step displays a text box in which you enter the new, desired name for the file. Then confirm the change via the Enter key or the displayed button.
  4. In order to change the name via the console, on the other hand, open it via the button on the left side.
  5. Go through your directories to the file with the command "cd". Do not you know what the individual folders are called, you can display the next possible with the command "ls".
  6. Now enter the command "mv ALTERNAME NEW NAME". Replace the placeholders with the desired names of the file within the command.

By Pincus

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