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What is the format of eBooks? A handy overview

eBooks are electronic books that can be read on a variety of devices using software. These include tablets, computers, smartphones and, of course, eBook readers. When choosing the right device and the appropriate software, the format of the eBook is also crucial.

Finding the right eBook format

When you want to download an eBook, there are often different formats to choose from. Here it is important to find the right format, because not all devices support every format. However, if you accidentally chose the wrong format when buying, this is not a big deal. As a rule, eBooks can also be exchanged within 14 days and can then be purchased again in the correct format.

These formats for eBooks there are

  1. EPUB: This format can support almost all eBook readers. Only Amazon Kindle can not open EPUB files. On the computer, tablet and smartphone, you can read an EPUB file with the appropriate app as well.
  2. Amazon Kindle: On the eBook readers of the manufacturer Amazon, only in-house formats can be displayed. Most commonly used are .azw and .azw3. The latest format, KF8, runs only on the Amazon Kindle Fire.
  3. PDF: eBooks can also be saved in the classic PDF format. The advantage here is that PDFs can be played by all devices. Dafür bietet ein PDF nicht alle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, um das Lesen auf einem eBook-Reader zu optimieren.

By Cyprio

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