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iPhone X battery in percent - how to know the battery level

The new iPhone X is very popular among many users because it does without the home button and thus offers a larger screen. Apple has also included facial recognition. However, since the battery graph is hard to read, there is an option to have it shown as a percentage.

How to know the battery level in percent on iPhone X?

To know the battery level in percent is not a high art, as it can already be achieved via the iPhone X's default setting. So you don't need to install any additional software. However, it can be useful if you want to see an accurate graph of your battery usage.
  1. Open your iPhones settings by pressing the corresponding app on your homescreen. The app icon consists of gray gears.
  2. Go on to "Battery." Here you will find two infographics that show you the battery status.
  3. At the very top you will find the words "Battery charge in %" with a button on the right. Activate the button to turn on the percentage display on your iPhone.
  4. Further down, you can see the apps that have the right to perform background updates. Entlädt sich Ihr Akku zu schnell, kann es ratsam sein, einigen Apps dieses Privileg zu entziehen.
Wollen Sie den genauen Stand Ihres Akkus wissen, sollten Sie sich eine entsprechende App installieren. Eine solche App ist beispielsweise der Battery Doctor.

By Gennie

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