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Switching your WhatsApp phone: How to transfer files to your new phone

WhatsApp has become a part of everyday life for many people. However, if you change your phone, you should try to transfer your history and contacts to it. This works differently depending on your phone.

If you switch to a new phone, keep your WhatsApp account. If you switch within one operating system, i.e. from Android to Android or from iPhone to iPhone, the move with all previous data is also no problem. So you can keep the chat history.

Create WhatsApp backup: Before switching phones

First make sure that a backup has been created or create a backup. This works on Android and iPhone so:
  1. Open WhatsApp and tap in the chat overview on the menu icon.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Navigate to "Chats > Chat Backup".
  4. Check whether a backup exists or create a new one. In any case, choose a cloud backup instead of a local one, since you want to switch phones.

How to make the move

How exactly you switch to a new phone with WhatsApp depends on whether you keep the phone number or not.
  • Number stays the same:Download WhatsApp on your new phone and log in with the same phone number. Beim Einrichten können Sie Ihr Backup aus der Cloud laden, wenn Sie auf demselben Betriebssystem sind.
  • Nummer ändert sich: Am besten benötigen Sie in diesem Fall das alte und das neue Handy. Installieren Sie WhatsApp auf dem neuen Telefon mit der alten Telefonnummer. Gehen Sie in den Einstellungen zu „Account > Nummer ändern“ und folgen Sie den Anweisungen.

By Maurizia

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