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Regex: Match String - how to test for a match

Regular expressions or regex are mainly used in computer science. They are used to describe a set of strings. When using regular expressions it is important to pay attention to the appropriate syntax. Then you can check if a string matches this pattern.

How to use Regex to check a string for a match

When using regular expressions, it is important that you pay attention to the matching syntax. This is the only way to check a string for a given pattern. If a string matches this given pattern, then a match is created. This way you can filter certain characters from a string or check input.
  1. Many languages already provide various methods with which you can check a string for a certain pattern.
  2. Commonly, you can use the Match() method to check if it is a match. For example, with match.Success in C#, you can get "true" or "false" depending on whether the string matches the pattern.
  3. First, however, it is necessary to create a pattern. For example, a regex may query whether the string contains only numbers. Dies kann bei der Validierung von Nutzereingaben hilfreich sein.
  4. Haben Sie einen neuen Regex erstellt, müssen Sie diesen als Argument Ihrer Match()-Methode übergeben.

By Pattison

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