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Java: Splitting a string - how to do it

Since a string is a string of characters, a string variable can sometimes be very long. If you have created a string variable in Java and only need a subset of it, it can therefore be useful to split a string.

Splitting: How strings are used in Java

A string is a type of variable that is used not only in Java, but also in other programming languages. In this context, a string variable consists of a string of characters that can contain a sequence of letters, digits or special characters and is enclosed in execution characters. To declare a new string variable in Java, you must first generate a new string variable using the "String name" command and then assign a range of values to it using "name =". The placeholder "name" is replaced by the name you want the string variable to have.

How to split a string variable in Java

Once you have created a string variable, Java gives you several methods to split it. If you want Java to output only a subset of the string, you can do this with the "substring()" function.
  1. In addition, splitting a string variable into multiple subsets is also possible using the split function.
  2. Geben Sie hierfür einfach den Code „public String [] split („String“ regex)“ in Java ein und ersetzen Sie den Platzhalter „String“ durch den Namen Ihrer Stringvariable.
  3. Zudem können Sie bei der Eingabe des Befehls spezifizieren, an welcher Stelle der String geteilt werden soll.

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