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What does a computer do? We give you an overview

Maybe you feel that the question of what a computer actually does is superfluous, because you are constantly surrounded by these devices. However, you should keep in mind that they are not the devices you assume they are, but a data center.

What is a computer and what does it do?

If you want to see a computer at work, then you need to visit a larger company.
  1. A computer is a data center designed to process large amounts of data as quickly as possible.
  2. Therefore, a computer also contains several processors to process the desired amounts of data at the appropriate speed.
  3. Because of the high performance of the computer, such a device also always produces an extensive amount of heat, which must be limited by appropriate cooling methods. Only in this way can damage to the computer be prevented.
  4. Computers can be found in government agencies or large companies. These need such data centers to ensure that requests and data can be processed quickly.
  5. Also in laboratories and similar facilities, computers are needed to evaluate the complex data and the associated algorithms. Especially in the health care system, this is a crucial factor for the safety of people.

Why is the term also used for the private environment?

The term "computer" is also used in everyday life because PCs are simply an adapted modification of a computer. This is because the parameters, such as the processor and size, have simply been adapted to people's everyday lives.

By Ruskin Jarosh

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