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iPhone 12: Battery drains quickly - what you can do

If the battery on your iPhone 12 does not last long, a hardware problem may be the cause. An app that lets you measure the capacity of the battery helps you check. If the battery is intact, you can extend the runtime a bit with a few tricks. A power bank also helps.

What you can do if the battery of the iPhone 12 does not last long

Is the battery of your iPhone 12 quickly empty? First, rule out the possibility that the battery is defective and needs to be replaced. If you have ruled out a hardware problem, you can extend the battery life a bit by using the smartphone properly.
  • Check the battery: You can use the free app "Battery Life iPhone" to measure whether your battery still has full capacity. If this is impaired, you should possibly claim the warranty.
  • The right temperature: batteries are sensitive to cold and lose charge quickly at temperatures below 5°C. So keep the device warm. Temperatures above 30°C should also be avoided.
  • Close apps: An app once opened is often still active in the background and consumes energy. Close all apps that you are not currently using.
  • Switch off services: Bluetooth, GPS and WLAN also consume a lot of battery. Turn off everything that is not needed.
  • Use power bank: If you use the battery heavily, a powerbank helps. Modelle mit einer Kapazität von 24.800 mAh liefern genug Energie, um Ihr iPhone 12 mehrmals voll aufzuladen.

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