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Android Q: Delete learned words - how to do it

Android stores your preferences for every word you write. These words are then shown to you as suggestions whenever you compose a new text. However, it may happen that the right words are not saved. In this case, you can delete the words again.

How to delete learned words on Android Q

There are two different ways to delete learned words from Android.
  1. Type the wrong word until it appears in the Suggestions bar on the keyboard. Now hold down the finder on the word until a menu appears.
  2. In the menu, you can select an option to delete the word from the list.
  3. The second way is through the settings of your smartphone. Open the Settings app.
  4. Go on to "Language & Input" or "Keyboard".
  5. Now you will see a list of all the words learned. Select the word you want to delete and tap the trash can icon. You may have to tap on the word for a long time until the delete option is displayed.
  6. You can also reset the dictionary completely. Gehen Sie in die Einstellungen und dann weiter auf „Option“ > „Anwendungsmanager“ > „Texteinstellungen“ und „Personalisierte Daten löschen“.
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