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Android 11: Delete learned words - how it works

Android autocorrect automatically learns words based on your writing habits. The words learned in this way are used by Android for auto-completion and auto-correction. Now and then it happens that Android 11 also stores words with spelling errors.

How to delete learned words in Android 11

If you want to delete words learned by the autocorrector in Android 11, you have several options for doing so. For example, you have the option to remove learned words directly when writing a message. Simply press on the word in the suggestion bar with your finger until a dialog box appears. There you can then select the appropriate option and remove the learned word from the vocabulary of autocorrect.Alternatively, you can delete saved words via the settings of your smartphone. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap in the overview on "Language & Input" and then select the menu item "Keyboard".
  3. You will now see a list of all saved words. Simply select the words you want to remove there and you tap on the trash icon.
Another option to delete learned words is a complete reset of the dictionary. To do this, call up the settings of your keyboard app again. Dort haben Sie in der Regel die Möglichkeit, die personalisierten Daten zu entfernen.

By Bryon

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