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GTA 5: Change language - these settings are necessary

In GTA 5, as in the predecessors of the series, there is no German synchronization. Nevertheless, to allow everyone to play, a subtitle is offered. While you cannot change the language of the synchronization, it is possible to customize that of the subtitle and also the menu.

How to change the language in GTA 5

The language in GTA 5 is set to English by default. As with all parts of the series, the synchronization of the characters is also entirely in English. In order not to lose the atmosphere in the translation, the developers have decided not to offer any other language for the synchronization. However, you have the option to change the language of the subtitle and the menu. Usually, when you start the game for the first time, it adopts the language that you have set by default on your console.
  • When you play GTA 5 on Xbox 360, press both "LB" and "RB" buttons on your controller simultaneously. Then you can set the language for the menu and subtitle. If you play on the PlayStation 3, press accordingly "L1" and "R1" simultaneously.
  • On the newer consoles, such as Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the language setting of the device is adopted. Here you must therefore change the language via the system settings of the consoles.
  • On the computer, right-click on the GTA 5 entry in your Steam library. Anschließend wählen Sie „Einstellungen“ und „Sprache“ aus.

By Soraya Remaly

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