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Where are my programs in Linux-Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions. Especially for beginners, it has all the features you need to get you started. If you install new applications, it is often not clear where they were stored. However, your programs can be found in just a few steps.

How to find your programs in Linux-Ubuntu

The Ubuntu operating system is designed primarily for Linux beginners. With the user interface and other features, it's usually easy to find your way around the operating system. You can also enter console commands via the terminal, which can be used to make numerous changes to your system. You can also install new programs here. If you have installed a new program, however, it is not always obvious where you can find it afterwards.
  1. Bottom left is a square on the desktop, click on it with the left mouse button.
  2. Then you see a list of all currently installed programs. Here are also the programs that you have recently installed.
  3. Would you like to find your programs instead via the keyboard, then this is also possible with the appropriate key combination.
  4. Type therefore the "Super" key + "A". Beachten Sie dabei, dass die „Super“-Taste auf einer Windows-Tastatur die Windows-Taste ist beziehungsweise auf einem Mac die „Command“-Taste.
  5. Nun öffnet sich auch hier eine Übersicht über alle Programme, die Sie bis jetzt installiert haben.

By Lati

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