HOME > Payment systems > How Do I Activate The Tan Generator? How It Works

How do I activate the TAN generator? How it works

With the help of a TAN generator, you can easily make online transfers. However, to do this, the corresponding generator must first be synchronized with your account. Only then will you activate the generation of TANs on the device and be able to make transfers.

How do I activate the TAN generator? Synchronization

In order to make an online transfer, your TAN generator must first be synchronized. However, this can be done in a few minutes.
  1. First log in to the online banking page of your bank.
  2. Now click on the tab "Online Banking" at the top and continue to the "Settings".
  3. Tap on the item "Synchronize TAN generator".
  4. Now you need your bank card, which you insert into the TAN generator and then press the [F] key.
  5. Hold the generator to your screen and make sure that the displayed barcode is recognized.
  6. Using the two icons below the code, you can adjust the size according to your device.
  7. Wait until the process is completed successfully and the device displays the generated TAN.
  8. Now enter the TAN on the website and thus confirm the process.
  9. Wenn alle Schritte erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden, sollte Ihr Gerät nun einsatzbereit sein.
  10. Zur Überprüfung können Sie direkt eine Online-Überweisung in Gang setzen und mit Ihrem Generator einen TAN erstellen.

By Grounds Dilibero

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