What is a Simp? Meaning and background explained
Whether in online forums, on social media, or in memes, the term simp is popping up more and more often in 2020. Our guide explains what the word actually means and what background it is based on.
Rough manners on the net: simp is by no means intended as a compliment.
Net culture is not always friendly and positive. The term Simp is unfortunately another example of this.Explained: What is a Simp?
The term is by no means new, as it was already created at the beginning of the 20th century, as an abbreviation of "simpleton", which was a pejorative for a very simple-minded person.In today's net culture, this is still the basis of the term, but the context has changed decisively:- In the online scene, simpletons are men who completely submit to women and thus give up their masculinity in the traditional sense.
- In addition, synonymous with this, it is assumed that these men have little to no success with the opposite sex.
- The term is used primarily by a young, male Internet audience. In the same move, in which Simps are portrayed as weak and stupid, it may well happen that women are also considered negative, as they deliberately (and maliciously) exploit weak men to gain attention or other advantages.