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Fortnite: "No swimming" signs - all info

In Fortnite you play on an island with various rivers that meet in the middle of the map. During the mission of 8-Ball/Scratch, you have to enter the water at the place of a "no swimming" sign. However, to complete the quest, you don't have to find all the locations of the signs.

How to find the "No swimming" signs in Fortnite

In the game Fortnite, you will always encounter new challenges that you can complete. These are mostly tasks in which you visit certain places. In a new challenge, 8-Ball/Scratch will give you the task of visiting various locations on the map with a "No Swimming" sign and going into the water at that location. You do not have to visit every sign to do this.
  1. One sign can be found northwest of Lazy Lake at the top of the waterfall. Follow the river north from Lazy Lake town to get directly to the sign. Go into the water at this point and wait until the challenge has been updated.
  2. Have you found the sign at the top of the waterfall, you can again find a sign at the foot of it.
  3. Another sign can be found near the dam Hydro 16. This is located directly on the shore of the lake. Here, too, you can jump into the water.
  4. Directly opposite you will again see a corresponding sign.
  5. You will also find more signs on the beach of the landmark "Crashed Cargo". The sign is located west of Sweaty Sands.

By Elery

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