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Excel: Adding rows - it's that easy

Excel is an appealing software that allows you to store data and information. The ability to add any number of rows together makes the program even more interesting for you.

How to add rows in Excel

A key advantage of Excel is that you can add as many rows as you want with the program, saving yourself a lot of work.
  1. Select the cell in which you want to place the result and click on it with the mouse.
  2. Now you can either enter the function "Sum()" or click on the command "Sum" in the menu.
  3. Now you have to enter the first numerical value in the brackets of the command. To do this, simply click on the cell in which the corresponding value is stored. This is now automatically framed by Excel in color.
  4. Enter a colon after the appearing numerical value. Now click on the cell containing the last numerical value that you want to include in the calculation.
  5. Make sure that the parenthesis in the function is closed and that no superfluous space was deposited.
  6. To finish, press the Enter key. In der ausgewählten Zelle erscheint das Ergebnis Ihrer Berechnung.

Sichern Sie vorab Ihre Daten

Gerade wenn Sie noch nicht so vertraut mit Excel sind, sollten Sie eine Sicherungskopie Ihrer Mappe machen, bevor Sie mit der Addition der Zeilen beginnen. So haben Sie immer die Urfassung zur Hand und können eine Überprüfung vornehmen.

By Zucker Slaten

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