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Paying with Bitcoin at Amazon: Possible thanks to this startup

The future of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin remains ill-defined. Nevertheless, payment is now possible in the world's largest online store. Read what's behind it.

Automatically: Moon converts your cryptos into real money during the Amazon payment process.

Cryptocurrencies are still more objects of speculation than valid payment options. Thanks to Moon, there might now be a step in the right direction.

This is how you can pay with Bitcoin at Amazon

Crypto payment is possible at Amazon not only with Bitcoin, but also with other currencies such as Litecoin or Ethereum. However, this is not displayed as a normal payment option - you need help from a special application:
  • This is called Moon and is a browser plugin available for Google Chrome, Opera and the not-so-well-known Brave.
  • Once activated, the plugin recognizes your payment process at Amazon and switches itself on as a kind of middleman.
  • This means that the plugin automatically converts the order value at Amazon from your crypto portfolio into real money and sends it to Amazon.
  • This is free of charge, there are no transaction fees.
  • To equip Moon with your cryptocurrencies, linking with Coinbase accounts and the Lighting Wallet is possible.
Amazon itself has nothing to do with this process and cryptocurrencies, but simply receives the matching amount in classic currency at the end. Moon is so far only available for US users, an expansion to Germany is conceivable, just like other important online sites.

By Lam Bullion

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