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Run programs in compatibility mode

Compatibility mode runs programs installed under Windows with an older version of the operating system. However, in order for programs to run in compatibility mode, you must specify this beforehand for each program individually.

How to run programs in compatibility mode

If there are still programs or games on your computer that are not compatible with the latest version of Windows, you can still continue to use them. For this, it is only necessary that you run the respective program in compatibility mode.
  1. To run a program in compatibility mode, please right-click on its EXE file.
  2. In the context menu, then click "Properties" and switch to the "Compatibility" tab in the window that opens.
  3. Tick there next to the entry "Run program in compatibility mode for" and select from the drop-down menu the Windows version with which the program is still compatible.
  4. Finally click the "Apply" button to save the changes and close the window with "OK".
  5. To start the program in compatibility mode, simply double-click on the file.

How to disable compatibility mode for a program

If you no longer want a program to start in compatibility mode, but with the currently installed Windows, disabling the function is possible at any time. To do this, navigate to the EXE file of the program, right-click on it and open the properties window. There, under "Compatibility", remove the checkmark set next to "Run program in compatibility mode" and click "OK".

By Ambler

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