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iPhone X does not play music: causes

On iPhone X you can play music through many different applications. If this does not work once, you can usually find a solution quickly. The speakers only actually break in rare cases, as they are securely installed and not very susceptible to interference.

What to do if iPhone X doesn't play music?

If your iPhone X doesn't play music, you can often solve the problem just by restarting the device. Before you consider a hardware defect, you should rule out some other possible causes.
  1. Make sure your iPhone X is not muted. In particular, third-party applications to suppress signals and notifications can also disable the media volume.
  2. Restart the application you used to play music.
  3. Turn your iPhone X off and on again.
  4. Test whether you can play music in other apps, for example, via YouTube or Safari.
  5. Check whether the speakers are dirty. You can clean them with a soft brush.
  6. Check if a software update is pending. Open the settings, select "General" and then "Updates".
  7. Reset the device to factory settings.
  8. If all this does not help, the speakers may be defective. Wenden Sie sich an eine Reparaturwerkstatt oder den Service des Apple Supports.

By Dacie Lebaugh

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