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Windows 10: Disable driver signature

As a protective measure, Windows has a system that checks the authenticity of drivers on your computer. Here, when you install a driver, it depends on whether the signature is present. If a driver is installed unsigned on a Windows PC, the driver signature must be disabled beforehand.

Disabling Windows 10 driver signature - what you need to know

It is important that your computer was produced after 2012. Only since then computers no longer have the old BIOS, but use the new UEFI.
  1. To begin, close all open programs and open by [Win] + [R] the Run dialog.
  2. Now enter there the command [shutdown.exe /r /o /f /t 00] to shut down the computer and then start it with advanced options.
  3. On the new screen, click on "Troubleshooting" and further on "Advanced Options" and "Startup Settings".
  4. Now click on "Restart" in the lower right part of the screen and select the seventh item below to disable the driver signature.

Disable Windows 10 driver signature via commands

  1. Alternatively, you can also perform the steps directly via the console.
  2. To do this, start the terminal as administrator or use the [Win] + [R] keys again and enter "cmd".
  3. Halten Sie nun [Strg] + [Shift] gedrückt und drücken Sie [Enter].
  4. Geben Sie jeweils die Befehle [BCDEDIT –Set LoadOptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS] und [BCDEDIT –Set TESTSIGNING ON] ein und bestätigen Sie mit [Enter].

By Frederik

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