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iPhone X: video editing explained simply

With the iPhone X, you can easily record your own videos via the camera app. If you are not satisfied with some details such as the length, it is equally possible to edit the video directly on iPhone X.

In the Photos app, edit a video on iPhone X

To edit your video on iPhone X, no third-party app is necessary. If you started filming too early or stopped iPhone recording too late, simply trim the recorded footage in the Photos app.
  1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone X and search for the video you want to trim.
  2. Tap it, then select "Edit."
  3. You will now see a bar under the video. With your finger, you can move both the start time and the end of the video. In the preview, check if you are satisfied with the selected timings. Tap the play button to watch the video.
  4. Finally, select "Done", and you have edited the video on your iPhone X.
After that, you can find the edited video on your iPhone X just like the uncut version.

Weitere Optionen

  • Wollen Sie ein Video nicht nur kürzen, sondern es mit Effekten, Übergängen und mehr bearbeiten, dann nutzen Sie Apps von Drittanbietern wie etwa Animoto oder iMovie.
  • Für noch mehr Möglichkeiten übertragen Sie das Video am besten auf Ihren Computer. Hier können Sie online oder mit einem Videobearbeitungsprogramm das Video von Ihrem iPhone X schneiden.

By Fogg

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