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RimWorld: This is the dev mode and how to use it

RimWorld allows players to intervene in several settings. This is primarily thanks to the dev mode. Read what it is, how to enable it, and what features it brings.

Playing God on demand: the developer mode gives you all the freedom.

The dev mode is the developer mode, in German called Entwicklermodus. This already makes it clear that deep intervention is possible.

RimWorld: Activate and use Dev Mode

By default, Dev Mode is turned off when the game starts. However, activating it is no problem:
  1. In the game, press "Esc" and click on "Options".
  2. In the middle row at the bottom, you can activate the developer mode.
Thereupon, a small bar with white icons appears at the top center of the screen. Via mouse hover you can see what the elements are about. In case of problems with the game, the debug log provides information about the source of the malfunction, for example, mods that do not load properly. The most powerful on-board tool of all is the "God Mode", which lets you intervene in the game practically at will. You can use this mechanic to correct bugs or accidents, and it can also be used for cheating.If you want to protect yourself from this temptation, you can permanently disable the developer mode in the options. He can then no longer simply be activated, instead of a manual file intervention is necessary, which significantly increases the effort.
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