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Http Error 403 Forbidden - what's behind the problem

When you try to access a web page through your browser, you may get the error message "Http Error 403 Forbidden". This is a status code indicating that access to this URL is forbidden. You cannot always fix the problem directly.

This is what the error message "Http error 403 Forbidden"

If you encounter the error message "Http error 403 Forbidden" when accessing a web page, access to this URL is prohibited. This may be due to an error in the communication between the HTTP client, i.e. the browser, and the server. If this message occurs in your case, then there are some points to consider.
  1. To fix the error, first check the URL you entered. Make sure especially that you do not want to access a directory, as this is prohibited by most websites.
  2. Reload the website. To do this, click on the top left or right of the address bar on the round arrow. Usually this already solves the problem.
  3. Also clear the cache of your browser.
  4. Check whether the firewall stops access to the website.
  5. Helfen die oben genannten Lösungen nicht, dann kann es sein, dass Sie die Webseite vorübergehend nicht erreichen können. In diesem Fall ist es lediglich möglich zu warten, bis der Fehler vom Betreiber behoben wurde.

By Kala Gentz

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