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Google Stadia: How to create a group - all info

Google Stadia doesn't just invite solo sessions - multiplayer sessions are also naturally possible in cloud gaming. The best way to do this is with a group, and our guide shows how to go about it.

Better together: A group is quickly opened - invitation links make it possible.

You can create a group even before the game starts and then enter the game together.

Google Stadia: Create group - here's how

Proceed as follows:
  1. Click on the menu with the plus symbol and the people at the top of the Stadia menu.
  2. Select "Start party" in the additional window that now appears.
  3. You have thus created your own group. You can add more players by invitation. You create the link for this by clicking on "Link to a party invitation".
  4. You will receive a link in the form of a Stadia URL and can send this to other players.
Thereupon the recipients can join the group. Once you start a game, the whole group will be invited to join.

By Nonna

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