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Can you install apps on Chromecast?

The Chromecast is a streaming adapter that you can connect to your TV via an HDMI port. After connecting the device to your Wi-Fi network, it is possible to stream various content to your TV. For this, you can choose from various apps.

Is it possible to install apps on Chromecast?

Once you have chosen a Chromecast model, you first need to connect the device to your TV. This is done via the HDMI port on your TV. Then the Chromecast is set up, during which you connect it to your Wi-Fi network. You can then stream content to your TV via various apps. You have various options for this. You can set up the Chromecast via the Chromecast app on your smartphone or tablet. You can then also stream the content via a mobile device or your PC. This way you can also extend the functionality.
  1. If your smartphone is connected to the same WLAN network, you can stream content directly from your smartphone. To do this, simply click on the Cast icon within the corresponding app. To install additional apps, you simply need to download and install new apps via the Google Play Store or the App Store.
  2. If you use Google Home, you can also stream to the TV via voice commands from compatible apps. Again, extend the functionality by downloading new Google Home apps that are compatible with the with Chromecast.

By Hubsher Lloyd

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