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Disney Plus costs: How expensive is Disney Plus per month?

The new streaming service Disney Plus appeared on 24.03.2020 in Germany. This offers, as already other providers, two different subscription models. So you can have the amount debited monthly or pay a one-time annual amount. Depending on which model you chose, it will cost differently.

This is the cost of Disney Plus

Disney Plus is a streaming service that primarily offers Disney movies and series. If you want to access the content, you must first book a paid subscription. The exact costs depend on which subscription model you ultimately choose.
  1. Disney Plus initially offers a seven-day trial period, which is free. During this period, you can cancel the membership at any time. Subsequently, this automatically goes into the paid subscription.
  2. If you opt for a monthly subscription, you pay 7.99 euros per month. The advantage here is that you can cancel the subscription monthly.
  3. With a yearly subscription, on the other hand, you save because you only have to pay 69 euros for the whole year. Die Bezahlung erfolgt bereits zu Beginn als Einmalzahlung. Das Abo läuft anschließend ein ganzes Jahr und kann erst zum Ende dieses Abrechnungszeitraums gekündigt werden.
  4. Im ersten Jahr haben Sie als Telekomkunde zudem die Möglichkeit, die ersten sechs Monate von Disney Plus kostenlos zu erhalten. Anschließend kostet das Monatsabo 5 Euro im Monat.

By Pearman

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