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What is the auth code and how does it work? We explain it

If an existing domain is to be moved to another web host, authorization is required for this. This is done via auth code and we explain how the sequence of digits works.

The auth code is the key you need to move your domain.

The auth code is sometimes also referred to as the AuthInfo code or AuthInfo. In any case, it is the same thing and the code is indispensable in a domain move. The Auth-Code consists of a 6- to 16-digit combination of numbers and letters and acts as a kind of domain password.

How the Auth-Code works in practice

The handling of the Auth-Code is not complicated:
  • You can get the Auth-Code on request from the previous web host or from the registry if you have done the registration of your domain yourself.
  • When registering the domain with the new web host, you must then enter the Auth code.
  • This way you confirm that you are authorized to perform the move.
It should be noted that the Auth code is usually only valid for 30 days. This applies, for example, to all .de domains. If this time passes without you performing the move, you must request a new code.By the way, it does not matter with which system you want to manage the website afterwards. CMS wie WordPress werden nämlich erst nach dem Umzug installiert; der Auth-Code ist davon also nicht betroffen.

By Brodie Monaldi

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