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What is New Work? We explain the features and benefits

Work takes up a large part of life. The basic concept has not changed until today, however, there are new approaches to its implementation. We explain what New Work is all about.

Beautiful, new world of work? The concept of New Work addresses many issues.

New Work is one of the mega trends of this time. Since the world of work itself could look quite different in the future, it is important to know what New Work actually encompasses.

What is New Work and which aspects are affected?

Basically, New Work ("Neue Arbeit") is an umbrella term for all modern facets of working life. The scope and manifestation can thus be quite different in degree.
  • The New Work principle is intended to stimulate the basic philosophy of work to change: The job should be meaningful and fulfilling, instead of a tedious duty necessary for survival.
  • Important here are a higher work-life balance and better conditions in the workplace itself.
  • This affects many aspects, starting with flexible working hours to pleasant room designs to flat hierarchies. The environment should be innovative and free to promote individual strengths.
  • More efficiency, lean processes and for this less bureaucracy are another goal.
  • Externally, New Work makes itself felt through less formal dress. This was specifically shaped and driven by the IT industry. In the digitized era, this is more true than ever.
  • Also modern workplaces such as home office and remote office fall under New Work.
Implemented these aspects, either partially or completely, primarily by tech companies and startups. Classic industrial companies, on the other hand, are having a hard time with the changeover, which is equally due to their size as well as long-established conventions. Change is traditionally slow there, but this is increasingly becoming a disadvantage for the business, so change will be mandatory here as well.

By Lindsy

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