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What does Telekom Magenta include? What to expect

If you want a fixed-line phone number or Internet access, you need a suitable tariff. For this purpose, Telekom offers, among other things, the Magenta tariff in different versions. Each of these models has different advantages, but you also need to comply with the conditions for the tariff.

What's included in Telekom Magenta rates

Telecom offers numerous Magenta rates that are suitable for both mobile and fixed network. You can decide which rate is right for you based on the required conditions and the benefits offered.
  1. The MagentaMobil rate is suitable for all mobile devices. What benefits you get with it depends on the model you choose. MagentaMobil S includes 6 GB data volume, LTE Max in the D1 network, 5G (if available), phone and SMS flat rate, HotSpot flat rate and EU roaming. The M variant additionally offers 12 instead of 6 GB data volume. In the L variant, you even get a data volume of 24 GB. The cost of the tariff depends on the model you choose and whether or not you are under 28 and book a device with it.
  2. Telecom also offers the MagentaZuhause tariff. Also with this you get a phone flat to the German fixed network and a connection to the Internet.
  3. In addition, Telekom offers MagentaEINS as a combination between fixed network and mobile and MagentaTV as a combination of MagentaZuhause with TV programs.
  4. Each tariff you can customize again at Telekom, for example, to increase the upload or download speed.

By Bivins

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