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Magenta TV without a receiver - this is how it works

With Magenta TV, you can stream a variety of private and public TV channels. If you are not a Telekom customer, you can still use Magenta TV on your TV or mobile device. Without a receiver, you can either use the app or purchase the Magenta TV stick.

How to use Magenta TV without a receiver

For a long time, only customers who had an Internet and telephone contract with Deutsche Telekom could use Magenta TV. In the meantime, however, this is also possible for non-telecom customers. There are two methods for this, which do not even require a receiver.
  1. One way to use Magenta TV without a receiver is to purchase a Magenta TV stick for a one-time fee of 69.99 euros.
  2. To use the Magenta TV stick, please plug it into an HDMI port on your TV and connect the stick to the power supply.
  3. With the Magenta TV stick you receive more than 50 different public and private channels in HD and also have access to their media libraries.
  4. If you are a new customer, you can test Magenta TV for free in the first three months. If you want to continue using the offer after that, it costs 7.95 euros per month.

Using Magenta TV as an app

Another way to use Magenta TV without a contract and receiver is the Magenta TV app. This is available for iOS and Android devices and can also be mirrored on the TV using screen mirroring. As a user of the Magenta TV app, you can test the offer for one month free of charge and then pay EUR 7.95 per month. With the Magenta TV app, you have access to more than 50 channels, such as RTL or Vox, and can use Magenta TV on up to five devices.

By Eva

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