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How do I connect two UE Megaboom?

Thanks to the integrated Bluetooth function, you have the possibility to connect two UE Megaboom. However, for this to work, one of the two speakers must already be paired with a playback device beforehand. How to connect the second UE Megaboom afterwards, you can read here.

Connecting two Megaboom: These are the requirements

Before you can connect two UE Megaboom, it is necessary to pair one of the two speakers with a playback device such as a tablet or smartphone. To do this, first turn on your UE Megaboom speaker and press the Bluetooth button on the device until you hear a signal. Then open the Bluetooth settings on your mobile device and tap the name of the UE Megaboom speaker to complete the pairing.

These steps will connect two Megaboom

Once you have paired one UE Megaboom with the playback device, you can proceed to connect the second speaker as well.
  1. To do this, please open the UE Boom app on your mobile device, which you have previously downloaded and installed for free from the App Store or Play Store.
  2. In the app, tap on the "Two Devices" section and follow the further instructions to connect the two UE Megaboom.
  3. Alternatively, a connection of the two speakers is also possible by pressing a button. To do this, first press the "Bluetooth button" and the "Volume up button" at the same time on the speaker that plays the music.
  4. Then press the "Bluetooth button" twice on the second UE Megaboom to add the speaker.

By Hanford Hambers

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