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All top-level domains - what to know

So-called top-level domains, or TLDs for short, denote the last section of an Internet address. Within the Domain Name System, TLDs are referenced and assigned to a unique IP. In the case of an Internet address, the TLD thus designates what comes after the last dot in the address.

These top-level domains you should know

In the Domain Name System, the names of addresses are assigned to unique IPs. The topmost ranges at resolution are also called top-level domains. This is the part of the name that is located after the last dot in the address.
  1. Seven top-level domains was already launched at the beginning of the development of the Internet. Among them is ".com" (commercial). Since this is an open TLD, all persons or companies may register.
  2. Another domain is the ".org" (organization). This was actually intended for use by voluntary organizations, but now anyone can register for it. Also ".net" (network) is an open TLD.
  3. ".int" (international organizations) on the other hand is strictly limited for organizations, offices or similar. Auch die „.edu“ (education) TLD ist lediglich für Bildungseinrichtungen zugelassen.
  4. „.gov“ (U.S. Governement) und „.mil“ (U.S. military) sind lediglich für die US-Regierung und das US-Militär möglich.
  5. Seit der Entwicklung des Internets kamen noch viele weitere TLDs hinzu. Diese können Sie für gewöhnlich in verschiedenen Listen nachlesen.

By Derwin

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