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Gmail: Creating distribution lists - how it works

A distribution list is a group that contains the email addresses of multiple recipients. However, in order to use an email distribution list, it is necessary to create it beforehand. How this works in a Gmail account, we explain in this article.

How to create a new distribution list in Gmail

If you regularly send emails to the same group of recipients, it's worth creating an email distribution list. Once created, you can simply select the appropriate group distribution list when composing a new email, rather than having to enter all the email addresses individually. If you use Gmail, you also have the option to create a distribution list there. However, this does not work in the Gmail app, but only by calling up your Gmail account in the browser.
  1. To create a new distribution list, first call up the mail.google.com page in the browser and log in with your email address and the associated password.
  2. Then click on the cube icon at the top right and select the "Contacts" entry.
  3. Now mark all contacts that you want to add to the new distribution group before you click first on "Labels" and then on "Create label".
  4. Finally, enter a name for the new distribution group and confirm your entry with "Ok".

How to use the distribution list in Gmail

Have you created the group distribution list with the procedure described above, it will be displayed on the left side of your Gmail account in the "Labels" area. Now, when you compose a new email and want to send it to the distribution list, simply enter the name of the group in the "Recipients" field.

By Zampino Sammons

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