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Is cell phone radiation dangerous for babies?

Mobile phone radiation is repeatedly criticized for its harmful effects. Especially for parents, the question arises whether the radiation emitted by cell phones is dangerous for babies. Get all the information on the effect of cell phone radiation and how to protect your child here.

This is how dangerous cell phone radiation is for babies

Generally, cell phone radiation is classified by the World Health Organization, or WHO, as hazardous to health and possibly carcinogenic. This applies not only to adults, but in particular also to children and babies. Since the heads of babies are not only smaller, but also more sensitive and permeable, the danger posed by electromagnetic cell phone radiation is significantly increased.

How to protect babies from dangerous cell phone radiation

To prevent your baby from being exposed to radiation emitted by cell phones for too long, you should make sure that your cell phone is not in the direct vicinity of the baby. Buying a low-radiation cell phone is another way to protect your baby and yourself from radiation.
  1. You can tell how high a cell phone's radiation is by looking at the device's SAR value. The lower the SAR value, the lower the radiation emitted by the device.
  2. Also make sure that the cell phone is not near when you hold your child in your arms, as the radiation is amplified once again by body heat.
  3. Since cell phone radiation is strongest during the connection, it is advisable to keep the device away from the child just then.

By Willett

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