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Hitman: Security neutralized - get trophy

Like most missions in Hitman, you can complete the "Final Exam" mission in many creative ways. However, if you want to get the "Security Neutralized" trophy, then there is only one correct way to do it.

How to get the Hitman "Security neutralized" trophy"

When you unlock the "Security neutralized" trophy in Hitman, you will get 10 Gamescore in addition to the Bronze trophy. Also, after you get this trophy, you have the option to get "Silent Killer" in the same course, which in turn gives you 30 more Gamerscore for Xbox. Here's how to do it:
  1. Start the mission "Final Exam", in which you have to kill Jasper Knight.
  2. Climb over the fence on the left side to enter the area, taking care not to be seen by the guards.
  3. At the large hall you will find a pipe over which you can climb up.
  4. At the top you will find a window, but you should not climb in yet. First, two mechanics come by. So wait until they have passed, and then go into the bathroom.
  5. Put your pistol now outside the bathroom door.
  6. Go back into the bathroom and close the door. Sie warten nun erneut, diesmal jedoch auf eine Wache, die die Pistole bemerkt.
  7. Sobald die Wachen die Pistole nehmen und weggehen, haben Sie freie Bahn, um Jasper Night zu töten.
  8. Anschließend gehen Sie schnell zurück ins Bad, um nicht gesehen zu werden. Sie erhalten nun die Trophäe „Security neutralisiert“.
  9. Wenn Sie die Mission beenden, ohne dass die Wachen Sie entdecken, erhalten Sie außerdem „Lautloser Killer“.

By Nathanael

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