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Zoom: Join meeting - here's how

Zoom allows you to hold meetings with your colleagues or friends. To join such an audio or video meeting, you don't necessarily need an account with Zoom, but you do need the meeting credentials. We explain how to join a meeting in this article.

Create a new meeting at Zoom

With the conference tool Zoom you have the possibility to hold video and audio conferences. For this, a new meeting is created by a so-called host, which other users can then join. To create a new Zoom meeting, first log in to your Zoom account or use your Facebook or Google account to log in to Zoom. Then click the "New Meeting" button and add others to your meeting by selecting "Invite".

Zoom: How to join a meeting

Once you have received an invitation from the host of a meeting to join, you will need the meeting ID and the associated meeting password. Next, perform the following steps:
  1. To join a Zoom meeting, first download the application from "zoom.us/download".
  2. Then log in to your Zoom account and click the "Join" button next to the appropriate meeting.
  3. Haben Sie kein Konto bei Zoom, klicken Sie alternativ auf „An Meeting teilnehmen“ und geben Sie die Meeting-ID ein, bevor Sie auf „Beitreten“ klicken.
  4. Geben Sie nun noch das erhaltene Meeting-Passwort ein und bestätigen Sie die Eingabe mit „Dem Meeting beitreten“.

By Bertolde Jennkie

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