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Supernatural: How to watch the series in stream

The series Supernatural has already enjoyed great popularity for years. The Winchester brothers have been dealing with monsters, angels and other mythical creatures for many seasons. You can still watch Supernatural in stream before the German launch of the latest seasons.

How to watch Supernatural in stream

Supernatural is a horror series, but it is now much more than that. In the U.S., the 14th season has already started in October 2018 and, as always, takes a little bit of a year before it is broadcast in Germany. So that you do not miss any adventure of Sam and Dean Winchester, you have different options to watch the series in a stream.
  1. Amazon Prime Video provides you with the first 12 seasons at the moment. If you have a Prime membership, there are no additional costs. You can watch the series here in both German and English. More current seasons you can rent or buy with Amazon Video.
  2. Also Maxdome offers the first 12 seasons of the series in German. In addition, you can also stream season 13 and the current episodes of the 14th season in English. However, the series is not included in the subscription, which is why you have to buy a season for around 30 euros.
  3. Also on iTunes and Google Play, you can buy the episodes from the 1st to the 14th season. Doch auch hier sind lediglich die ersten 12 Staffeln auf Deutsch verfügbar.
  4. In Sky Ticket und Sky Go können Sie zurzeit lediglich die 13. Staffel sehen. Sie ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.

By Flori Huffins

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