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VLC Player Video Trimming: Is it possible?

In principle, it is possible to cut videos with VLC Player. However, you won't find a corresponding tool for this purpose as you would with more complex video editing programs. Instead, you will have to take a slight detour to cut a video.

How to trim video with VLC Player

VLC Media Player is a free software for playing and editing audio and video files. The program has been available since 1996 and is popular mainly because it can handle a wide range of different file formats.However, the program is less suitable for detailed editing of files. For this, it lacks appropriate tools that are available in other programs for video processing. This includes the possibility to cut videos. Nevertheless, it is theoretically possible to trim videos to the desired format using VLC Player. To do this, you need to use the recording function and record the right sequence along with it. However, there is no function for compiling individual sequences. If you want more features, you can use the VideoLAN Movie Creator program instead. Dieses stammt von den Entwicklern des VLC Players und ist extra für den Schnitt von Videos ausgelegt.

So nehmen Sie eine Videosequenz im VLC Player auf

Um mit dem VLC Player ein Video zu schneiden, gehen Sie so vor:
  1. Öffnen Sie das gewünschte Video.
  2. Klicken Sie im Menü auf „Ansicht“.
  3. Wählen Sie „Erweiterte Steuerung“.
  4. Klicken Sie im Video an die gewünschte Stelle.
  5. Klicken Sie unten auf den roten Button, um die Aufnahme zu starten.
  6. Starten Sie das Video. Die Datei wird nun mitgenschnitten.

By Claretta Pente

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